Black Widow - Thoughts And Opinions

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(Image Credit: Entertainment Tonight)

To GOD be all the glory!!!
Black Widow is a Marvel movie that will be released in May 2020 following a lot of pressure from Marvel fans for Marvel to release Black Widow's solo movie.

This pressure from fans also puts a lot of pressure on Marvel to get the movie right, which I think is actually fair, all things considered.

A Black Widow trailer has been released and from this trailer, we know that the movie is a kind of prequel, it takes place before Avengers: Endgame and also Avengers: Infinity War.

Natasha Romanoff, in the trailer talks about how she used to have nothing until she got a job working at S.H.I.E.L.D and until she got the family.

In the trailer she said that she has lived a lot of lives but is done running from her past following that statement she enters an apartment pointing a gun.

She gets into a fight with Yelena before they reconcile and then she calls her "sis" insinuating family ties between both of them.

Yelena asks Natasha what brings her home, Natasha tells her that they have unfinished business and that they have to go back to where it all started.

I think that means that they have to go back to the Black Widow program where they both acquired their assassin training.

Black Widow also says that it is going to be a reunion, after this the next clip shows Red Guardian getting into his suit which he had some trouble doing.

Red Guardian also says that family is getting back together while he is on a table with Natasha, Yelena and Melina Vostokoff.

Melina Vostokoff is a former Black Widow that turns out not to belong to only one but a whole group of assassins.

The people on that table may just be Black Widow's family which is her past that she is no more running away from.

The villain in the trailer appears to be Task Master who has no super powers per say, but can learn any physical activity just by seeing it.

If he ends up being the villain, he will be a fitting villain to a superhero with no superpowers, not an alien and also without too many fancy gadgets.

Task Master is also a character whose tasks and missions appear as side missions in Marvel's Spider-Man which is a game on Playstation.

There has also been a rumor going round that Tony Stark(Iron Man) is going to do a cameo in the movie before the two characters leave the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

If this happens Marvel fans that are still mourning Iron Man's death can still see him one more time before he leaves forever.

The Black Widow movie will also bring respect to Black Widow who has done a lot to help the Avengers, her death in Endgame did not even have a funeral following it, this movie will pay Black Widow her respects in a very nice way.

Here is a link to watch the Black Widow trailer: Black Widow Trailer.

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