Wonder Woman 1984 - Scheduled For...

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(Image Credit: Cnet)

To GOD be all the glory!!!
Wonder Woman 1984 was recently announced to be coming out in 2020 specifically June 5 2020 but the trailer was released some time ago and this post will be based almost entirely on the trailer.

As most of us may already know, the first Wonder Woman came out in 2017 and was set in World War I against the villain Ares who Diana(Wonder Woman) said corrupted human minds and made them fight.

By the name, we can tell that Wonder Woman 1984 will be set in 1984, but the trailer has some interesting things to talk about.

The beginning of the trailer shows Diana talking to the supposed main villain of the film Cheetah a.k.a Barbara Minerva as if they are friends at the time, and Barbara asks Diana whether she has ever been in love, this question could have been out of curiosity or a plot to use the information against Wonder Woman later.

The trailer later shows the watch that Steve Trevor who was in the former Wonder Woman movie laying on a table in front of a framed picture of him.

The next part of the trailer introduces a new character in the person of Max Lord who in the comics is a businessman craving power.

In the trailer Max through an ad through a television screen welcome the viewers to the future and says that life is good but could be better and all they had to do was to want it.

This message was played in the background while Wonder Woman was fighting some criminals with her trusty lasso.

Max also says that they should think about having everything they always wanted, this message was played while Diana was looking up into the night the next clip showed Barbara sitting in the room where Steve's watch was kept with his picture.

A part in the trailer that needs a lot of explaining is how Steve Trevor who as far as we know sacrificed himself in the first Wonder Woman movie came back in this one telling Diana that he could save today but she could save the world while giving her another watch, but the watch he gave her this time was a digital watch.

Max in the trailer also says that now he takes what he wants in return, I think that this is in conjunction with what he first said of giving people everything they ever wanted, he then says that everyone will see.

This part of the trailer is followed by a scene showing a chaos and Wonder Woman fighting som more villains.

The trailer also shows Barbara in a party, I have no idea what this could mean tho.

Diana says that nothing good is born from lies and that greatness is not what you think, I believe that this statements were directed at Steve for reasons I do not yet know.

Near the end of the trailer shows Wonder Woman in a new suit that looks as if there are wings made of gold at the back of it, the suit looks nice and I want to see how she gets it.

Here is a link to watch the Wonder Woman 1984 trailer: Wonder Woman 1984 trailer.

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