Revenant - Apex Legends: Assimilation

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(Image Source: RockPaperShotgun)

To GOD be all the glory!!!
Apex Legends Season 4 also known as Assimilation came out on February 4th 2020, although it is pretty good on its own, it came out the release of a new legend that we know as Revenant.

Revenant is an offensive legend that costs 750 apex coins or 12, 000 legend tokens.

Revenant was originally a human being that was the best hitman that the Mercenary Syndicate ever had.

Revenant believed that he was a human being long after he had been turned to a metal machine, the code that he was programmed with made it seem like when he looked in the mirror he saw a human being looking back.

Little did Revenant know that the Mercenary Syndicate and Hammond Robotics had turned him into a simulacrum after he had originally died.

They resurrected him as a machine and erased his memory to turn him into an assassin that killed for them.

Long after this, his programming failed and he began to see himself for who he really was, a steel nightmare that killed mercilessly.

When he realized who he was, he swore that he would hunt down every one that turned him into the robot, but since about 200 years passed and everyone that was involved in his making had died, he just went about normal life as a robot.

With Hammond Robotics springing up in the Outlands, he decided to pay his old friends a visit, he joined the Apex games not for glory or money, but for revenge, and he doesn't mind killing a few other contestants on his way.

Revenant no more needs a reason to kill, as he does it for fun, making him by far the darkest character in the game currently.

Revenant is 228 years old and his home planet is Solace, he was a male before he was turned to a robot.


1. Passive: It is called Stalker, it allows him to crouch walk faster than the other legends, Revenant's crouch walking speed is the same as his walking speed, it also allows him to climb higher walls than other legends can climb, he also has a less climbing deceleration than other legends.

2. Tactical: It is called Silence, Revenant throws a kind of energy, that disables opponents' tactical and ultimate abilities for 10 seconds upon contact with them, it also damages opponents upon contact, the energy remains lingering for 6 seconds and anyone unfortunate enough to get touched by it suffers the above.

3. Ultimate: It is called Death Totem, Revenant places a death totem that protects who ever uses it, both enemies and allies from death, instead of dying, you get teleported to the death totem with only 1HP, the death totem has a radius of only 60m and leaving the radius at all removes its effects from the user, while in death protection , users cannot use healing items, also damage inflicted on them reduces their HP directly without damaging the armor, meaning that while in death protection, armor.s are completely useless, the death protection doesn't last until the user dies but only for 30 seconds by default which could be extended by the last user of the totem, once the totem is destroyed, death protection is over.

Personally Revenant is a very good character to own as he is best used for attacking style players who love to rush but do not like the risk.

Revenant's tactical ability prevents escape for his victims, which is particularly useful for Wraiths who often void away.

An important thing to put in mind is that once you start rushing someone with Revenant, it is hard to go back, be sure of who you rush.

Apex Legends really tried not to overpower Revenant as all his amazing powers have serious downsides which at the same time do not make Revenant a useless character.

Here is a link to watch Revenant's/Apex Legends Sesaon 4's trailer Season 4 trailer.

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