Apex Legends Season 5 - Fortune's Favor

Apex Legends' Season 5 Release - What Time & Date Does the Battle ...
(Image Credit: Newsweek)

To GOD be all the glory!!!

Apex Legends Season 5 was released on 12th May 2020 and it came with a lot of  updates, patches and much more.

It also came with a new, highly anticipated female legend called Loba who has certainly made an impact in the game with her slightly more technical abilities.

Loba was first introduced in the trailer for a previously released legend, Revenant.

They have sort of a history since Revenant killed both of her parents when she was little.

You can learn more on their history from our previous post Revenant.
(Credit: Apex Legends)
In the Apex Legends Stories From The Outlands "Legacy Of A Thief" video released on YouTube on the 6th May 2020, we are given the impression that Loba had been scarred for life since Revenant killed her biological parents.

She says that even though the system tried to erase the tragedy, her wounds were too deep to heal, she then elaborates on her path as a thief and how she became as good as she is now by enhancing her methods and improving her skills.

In the video, she meets a blue-haired man and they end up becoming partners, although the actual identity of this man has not yet been released, Red Camo believes that he may be a future Apex Legend.

Loba and this unknown man work together to steal valuable items from their various owners, and just as Loba was heading to bed, this man finds Revenant in the Apex games and tells her about it, this leads to the Apex Legends Season 5 - Fortune's Favor Launch Trailer.

The Launch trailer is mainly about Loba Andrade trying to kill Revenant permanently by going to Hammond Robotics and eliminating his consciousness.
(Credit: Apex Legends)
As she was trying to do this, some security robots attacked her, she showcased some of her skills and ended up meeting the other Legends, including Revenant.

A Gameplay trailer for Loba was also released to give a better view of her abilities.

Loba is a support Legend that costs 750 Apex Coins or 12, 000 Legend Tokens.

Loba's Abilities

1. Passive: It is called "Eye For Quality", it allows her to see nearby epic and legendary loot through walls and even through unopened supply bins, its range is the same as that of the Black Market Boutique, and you can also ping the loot that you see.

2. Tactical: It is called "Burglar's Best Friends", she throws her bracelet to wherever she wants to be translocated and she is instantly there, the downside to this ability is that she is not able to do anything until she wears the bracelet again, this window gives opponents an opportunity to do damage, it has a cooldown of 30 seconds.

3. Ultimate: It is called "Black Market Boutique", she places down her staff which has the ability to give users direct access to any loot within a 78m radius, the downside to this is that users can only select two items out of the several that are displayed, the "Black Market Boutique" can also be collapsed, it has 100 health.
(Credit: Apex Legends)
Loba and Revenant are enemies, Respawn Entertainment has decided not to forget this as even in gameplay Loba and Revenant often give some hate lines to each other when they are on the same team.

Apart from Loba, Apex Legends Season 5 features some other major updates, for instance, Mirage has now been considerably buffed as most people may say, the Mastiff shotgun is no longer a legendary weapon, the Spitfire has become a legendary weapon, the Peace keeper has become a legendary weapon, A new hop-up called the Skull Piercer has been added, Shield Cells give 100% more shield than before, Syringes give 100% more health than before, fast heals have been removed, major map updates and much more.

All of the updates could be gotten from the Electronic Arts' official website


A new passive ability has been give to Mirage so that when he is reviving a knocked down teammate both him and the teammate turn temporarily invisible until the teammate has been fully revived, he also turns invisible when respawning teammates.

Mirage can now control decoys that he deploys from his tactical and ultimate abilities.

Mirage no more turns invisible when he uses his ultimate ability

The cooldown time for his ultimate ability is 60 seconds and the cooldown time for his tactical ability is 15 seconds.

Decoys now last for 60 seconds and the previous decoy will be erased when a new one is launched.

Mirage's "You got Bamboozled" line will now be triggered when Mirage's decoy is shot instead of it being triggered instantly when a decoy is deployed.


Bloodhound's tactical ability lasts longer, from 3 seconds to 4 seconds, its cooldown has also been reduced from 35 seconds to 25 seconds.


Crypto's drone can now ping banners to notify teammates of nearby hostile squads, which could be used for tactical battles.


Knockdown shields have now been removed from the secret compartment in Apex's blue bins and Lifeline's bin ratio has been increased to 20%.


Caustic's Nox gas no longer slows down his own teammates as it did before and his traps are no longer triggered from the other side of the door.


The only update to Octane is that his ultimate, the Launch Pad's cooldown has been reduced from 90 seconds to 60 seconds.


Gibraltar has been nerfed this season as his dome shield's duration has been reduced from 18 seconds to 12 seconds.


In our opinion, Pathfinder has received the biggest nerf this season when compared to the other Legends.

The cooldown of Pathfinder's tactical ability the grappling hook has been increased from 15 seconds to 35 seconds.

There have been a lot of updates to the map to make it look more vibrant as more trees have been added, Skulltown has been updated too.

The Season 5 Battle Pass has some new skins as well as weapon aesthetics to make the game more vibrant and better to look at.

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