More on the PlayStation 5

Image result for playstation 5 logo
(Image Credit: Sony)

To GOD be all the glory!!!
This is the official logo of the Ps5, it looks similar to some of the past logos of previous Playstations, but you know, if it's not broken, don't fix it.

After a lot of speculation on the price, release date and even games that would come out on the Ps5 had come and gone, Sony finally had a chance to answer on of those questions, the price.

Although it had chance to answer the question, Sony decided not to so as to increase anticipation on the part of the fans.

In a financial briefing, Sony's chief financial officer Hiroki Totoki said,
"[I]t's very difficult to discuss anything about the price in this point in time... it's a question of balance and because it's a balancing act, it is very difficult to say anything concrete at this point in time".

This statement alone, built up more speculation about the price of the Ps5 by analysts out there, who give their own opinions on what they believe the Ps5 would cost.

At this point in time, Sony is very reluctant to reveal any information on the Ps5, although they launched a Ps5 Website, it doesn't say much as Sony is not ready to reveal the next generation console just yet.

Microsoft, on the other hand has released what the Xbox Series X will even look like in this trailer, they have released much more information on their next generation console that Playstation.

Microsoft is not planning to make the same mistake it made in price with the Xbox One, Phil Spencer even said,
"being too expensive and not powerful enough, is not a great place to be."

The reason why most gamers are so interested in the price of the Playstation 5 is because they want to know how much they should be saving in preparation for their next gen console.

The rumoured February 5th reveal of the Ps5 turned out to be just a rumour, as we have almost come to the end of February and we still do not know a whole lot on the Ps5.

Red Camo believes that this whole keeping information to yourself scheme that Sony is practicing is a very strategic play, Sony won't want to reveal any information that would be bad for business, we believe that Sony is considering everything that the Ps5 has to offer before going into any conclusions.

On the part of gamers out there, this strategy will seriously increase the anticipation/hype for the Ps5.

The last thing, before the end of this post is for you to check out this Playstation 5 Trailer.

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