The Ps5 May Come With A Robot!

PS5 could get a bizarre robot companion to play games with you ...
(Image Credit: USPTO)

To GOD be all the glory!!!

The Ps5 may come with a new and interesting feature, its very own robot companion!

In a patent filed by Sony to US Patent & Trademark office, Sony describes an actual robot companion which differs from the ones created in the virtual space while playing various VR games.

The robot seems like it is supposed to keep gamers company while they play games as well as exhibit some kind of emotion to either empathize with the user or output reactions against the user.

It seems like the robot will exhibit its emotions mainly in the form of expression of sounds.

In the supposed console wars that are going on right now between the Xbox Series X and the Ps5, if the Ps5 does indeed include this robot companion as one of its features, it could have a very strong lead.

As you probably can tell from the picture, the robot is not really a typical robot, but in a way looks like a cloud with limbs.
PS5 may get this bizarre robot companion to play games with you ...
(Image Credit: USPTO)

This design is a peculiar one when considering the actual nature of game consoles and the Ps5, but hopefully if there is a robot companion that comes with the Ps5, it will be customisable.

The image in the patent shows some kind of sensor or camera at the top of the television screen that the supposed game console is connected to, it also shows the robot seating next to the supposed gamer or user of the Ps5.

The sensor or camera will be used as part of what Sony calls a "feelings deduction unit" to get various information from the user or gamer which instructs the robot how to act or behave. 

The official hardware of the Ps5 has already been revealed in the Future Of Gaming event that occurred some time ago, but there was no mention of this robot during the event.

It seems that there is a lot in store for this next gen console, Sony is likely to reveal more information on the Ps5 as we get closer to its release date.

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